Marking 80th anniversary of breaking of the siege of Leningrad. The way the city was liberated

17 January 2023

From January 18, 1943 to January 27, 1944. A little more than a year separated the breakthrough of the Nazi siege from the complete liberation of Leningrad. Recollections of Leningrad residents are available in the Presidential Library’s materials. Quotes from the memoirs and diaries of residents of besieged Leningrad can be used to record videos and post them on social media pages with the hashtag #proryv80 as part of the Breakthrough 80 online relay. The project is being implemented by the Administration of Leningrad Region together with the Presidential Library. Learn more about the online project at the link.

Breaking of the siege of Leningrad

  • Fedor Grigorievich Yeshugov. Diary. 

  • Dada Mikhailovich Tayd. Diary.
  • Elizaveta Alexeyevna Dobrova (born 1930). Memories of my siege.
  • Lev Nikolayevich Chistov (born 1925). Letter to parents and sister.
  • Tamara Alexandrovna Petrova. Memories of besieged Leningrad.
  • Life in the occupation and in the first post-war years: Pushkin. Gatchina. Estonia: diary by Lusia Hordikainen (born 1928)

About life in the occupied city of Pushkin


Complete liberation of Leningrad from the siege

  • Olga Vladimirovna Doronina (born 1925). Diary 1941-1944

  • Zinaida Antonovna Ryzhkova (born 1905). Diary 1944


  • Elizaveta Alexeyevna Dobrova (born 1930). "Memories of my siege"
  • Zinaida Arkadyevna Fedyushina (Itkina): "My siege: let my memories be a grateful memory"

  • Essay by Zinaida Itkina, a student of the 4th grade of school № 218 of the Kuibyshevsky district of Leningrad entitled “Breaking of the siege”. - Leningrad, 1944.

  • Fedor Grigorievich Yeshugov. Diary.
  • Elizaveta Alxeyevna Dobrova (born 1930). "Memories of my siege"
  • Tamara Alexandrovna Petrova. Memories of besieged Leningrad.