Academic Law Journal. 2008, No. 2 (32)

Academic Law Journal. - Irkutsk: The Law and Democracy Foundation, 2000 -
2008, No. 2 (32). - 2008. - 60 with. -
Content. articles: The legal system and the system paradigm / OI Chepunov. Sources of Russian law: a historical digression: the third stage - the sources of Russian law in the period of centralization of the state and estate-representative management (late XV-XVII centuries) / IV Minnickes. The idea of ​​the hierarchy of the provisions of the constitutions (charters) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: normative consolidation and implementation problems / AA Petrov. On some problems of drafting budgets, reviewing and approving the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities / N. Vasilieva. Identification of signs of theft and their criminal-legal assessment by the investigator / V. V. Khilyuta. Responsible parliamentarism as a hardened necessity / KV Aranovsky, S. D. Knyazev. The general theoretical aspect of the conditionality of the development of law by economic factors / A. A. Larin. Property characteristic of financial relations: the legal aspect / IV Maherova. On the issue of the fulfillment of conditional obligations in civil law / EG Ponomareva and other materials .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Legal Sciences - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - the Russian Federation.
ББК 67я52
Source of electronic copy: The Right and Democracy Foundation
Location on map of the source: Foundation "Law and Democracy"
Publisher Фонд "Право и демократия"
Catalogue object