Description |
Law: Journal of Scientific Jurisprudence. - Moscow: GS Feldstein, 1910-1912 |
[G. 2] 1911, Book. 6 (2). - 1911. - 257, [1] p. - Contents: Judge and Law / PI Belyaev. Conditional condemnation in the German and Austrian draft criminal provisions / AA Piontkovsky. Petr Elesov, an unknown collector of the Petrovsky legislation / AN Filippov. The right of societies to criminal proceedings / N. Polyansky. Responsibility of the debtor for the pledge under the draft Verkhovna Rada Charter / bar. AL Freitag-Loringoven. On the study of the criminal in the science of criminal law / S. V. Poznyšev. To the question of the dangerous state of the criminal / SP Ordynsky. Minutes of the general meeting of the Moscow Juridical Society on December 20, 1910. Protocol of the public general meeting of the Moscow Law Society on December 11, 1910. EV Spector. The problem of social physics in the XVII century. T. 1 A new worldview and a new theory of science. Warsaw, 1910 / rec. AS Yashchenko. AI Elistratov. Textbook of Russian administrative law. Issue. 2. Moscow, 1911 / rec. N. N. Golubev. History of the Governing Senate for two hundred years, in five volumes. St. Petersburg, 1911 / rec. S. A. Shumakov. V. F. Deryuzhinsky. Police law: allowance for students. Ed. 3. St. Petersburg. 1911 / rec. IK Sukhoplyuev. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note.
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Legal Sciences - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in .. |
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