Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum. Book. 78

      Demidov Lyceum  (Yaroslavl).
Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum: book. 1-103. - Yaroslavl, 1872-1910
Book. 78. - 1900. - Div. pag. -
Publishing house: Typographic lithography of G. V. Falk.
On S. IV: LXXVI the book was published on March 15, 1900; there are 30 sheets in it.
Each article has a department. tit. l., its out. given.
Contents: Report on the state of the Demidov legal lyceum (pp. 1-29). The question of Nomocanon of John Postnik in a new production. Ord. prof. NS Suvorov, the ending (pp. 73-112). Correctional and educational institutions in North America. I. d. Extra-hordes. prof. AA Piontkovsky (pp. 1-22). Gr. L. N. Tolstoy and F. Nietzsche. Ordinary. prof. V. G. Shcheglov, the ending (S. 89-243, I-IV). Management of foreign confessions in Russia. Candidate dissertation ND Kuznetsova, continued (pp. 241-360). Experience of the administrative law system. Ord. prof. E. A. Berendtsa, continuation (pp. 73-112). The position and rights of women in the family and society. Ord. prof. V. G. Shcheglov, continuation (pp. 81-88). The speech delivered before the defense of the master's thesis (Teachings of the pandect about the reclamation, the legal nature of the riverbed of public rivers, about islands, in public rivers arising, and the writings of Roman surveyors) at the Imperial Moscow University on November 27, 1899, privat-docent VA Yushkevich (Pp. 1-8). Legal Bibliography No. 52 (pp. 1-48). - Bibliograf. in the note. .
1. Demidov legal lyceum (Yaroslavl, city) - Collections. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. Law - History - Russia - Collections. 5. Law - Teaching methodology - Compilations. 6. Legal journals.
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