Charter, awarded to the Imperial Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum by Emperor Alexander I. September 22, 1811.

The diploma awarded to the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum by Emperor Alexander I on September 22, 1811: [digital copy] - Electronic text data (27 files: 1039.7 MB) - (St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2014) -
Access mode: Internet -Blank of the Presidential Library named after B. Yeltsin
Original lyceum certificate from the All-Russian Museum A. Pushkin Museum, St. Petersburg: Certificate of Emperor Alexander I, Emperor's Imperial Tsar's Church, September 22, 1811 12 l (65 x 35 cm) Cover: cardboard , silver thread, silk, muar Lys The parachute, watercolor, gouache, gold paint, iron-gallic ink Ark: bronze gilded Mixed technique, gold embroidery, pinhole Code: CP-12882
The initiative to create a privileged higher education institution belonged to the Minister of Education AK Razumovsky and the Minister of Justice M M Speransky The curriculum of the Lyceum was compiled by Speransky as far back as 1808. The main place in the teaching process was assigned to the sciences of a moral and historical nature. The purpose of creating a new school for the young generation of noble Roe This was the formation of a "youth, especially intended for important parts of the state service." Lyceum education was equated to university or instruction in the Corps of Pages. On August 12 (24), 1810, the "Decree on the Lyceum" was approved with the highest aim, composition, rights and advantages Institutions and organization of internal management (educational and moral order, economic order) 11 (23) January 1811 "Resolution" was promulgated on July 9 (21), 1811 AK Razumovsky interceded with the Emperor for the gift the institution of the visible sign of monarchy favor, since the Emperor deigned to grant special diplomas to academies, universities and some other higher educational institutions. The draft of the letter to the "Sarskoye Selo Lyceum" received the highest approval, and on September 22 (October 4), 1811, the manuscript made with all the luxury was signed by Alexander I Included in the charter of the "Charter of the Lyceum" is the reproduction of the "Decree on the Lyceum" October 19 (31), 1811 in Tsarskoe Selo, the grand opening of the Imperial Lyceum was held Aga Litsa in the wing of the Catherine Palace, rebuilt in 1811 by the architect VP Stasov in accordance with the needs of the educational institution. Among the first pupils of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, the names of AS Pushkin, AA Delvig, AM Gorchakov, the Decembrists VK Kiichelbecker, and I Pushchina Many of the lyceum students became state figures, diplomats, senators (AK Gier, NK Gier, A Golovnin, D NZamyatnin, NA Korsakov, MA Korf, DA Tolstoy, and others) or scientists (KS Veselovsky, Ya Grot, N I Danilevsky and others). In 1843, Nicholas I signed a decree on the introduction of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum into the general structure of civilian educational Institutions "The Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum was transferred to St. Petersburg and renamed the Imperial Alexandrovsky Lyceum. The diploma awarded to the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum by the Emperor Alexander I, containing the Charter of the Lyceum, is a hardcover book, covered with a golden eyelet, embroidered silk with ornamental and a relief monogram of Alexander I on the front cover and a double-headed eagle on the back cover. On the right side of the top cover is a red spot-a trace from the wax seal melting during the fire of 1820. To the book, an ark of gilded bronze for wax seal is attached to the book with a string of silver thread the lid of the ark is a two-headed eagle framed by a decorative belt in the form of a conventional frame. On the lower parts of the cord there are two knots, on the ends there are brushes Twelve parchment sheets decorated with watercolor drawings To Novoselov, the handwritten text of the Charter is enclosed in the handwritten text of the Charter, the sheets of green silk taffeta are enclosed. On the last sheet are the signatures of Alexander I and Count A. Razumovsky. On the back of the last sheet there is an inscription inks: "The State Collegium of Foreign Affairs is sealed September 27, 1811, No. 3747" - Liceum diploma - KP-12882 entered the collection of the All-Russian Pushkin Museum from the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1953, earlier the letter was in the collection of the museum of the Imperial Alexander Lyceum At present time is included in the collection of the handwritten documentary fund of the All-Russian Pushkin Museum and is on display at the Lycee Museum. Materials are provided by the All-Russian Pushkin Museum. Materials from the following publications have also been used: Kobeko DF Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Trainers and pupils 1811-1843 St. Petersburg, 1911 Seleznev IA A historical sketch of the Imperial, former Tsarskoe Selo, now the Alexandrov Lyceum for its first fiftieth anniversary, from 1811 to 1861, St. Petersburg, 1861 [Electronic resource] URL: http: // booksgooglecom / books? Id = aJJxwsyT5t8C \u0026 printsec = frontcover \u0026 hl = onepage \u0026 q \u0026 f = false Gram ota granted to the Imperial Lyceum by Emperor Alexander I, September 22, 1811 / [autor predisl Dmitri Kobeko] Pg, 1916 Resolution on the Lyceum of St. Petersburg, 1810 - Materials used in the website of the publishing house Alpharet, section "News and articles"
I All-Russian Museum of AS Pushkin (St. Petersburg) II Memorial Museum-Lyceum (Pushkin) III Russia Emperor (1801-1825, Alexander I) 1 All-Russian AS Pushkin Museum (St. Petersburg, city) Handwritten documentary fund - Documents and materials 2 Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum - Documents and materials 3The people (collection) 4 The power (collection) 5 Higher education - History - Russia - Documents and materials
BBK 7403 (2) 5-421y11
BBK 633 (2) 5-7y11
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: The All-Russia ASPushkin Museum
Catalogue object