A red star. 1961, No. 88 (11388) (13 April)

Red Star: the central organ of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR . - Moscow, 1924, January 1 - 1992
1961, No. 88 (11388) (13 April). - 4 s. .
1. Gagarin, Yuri Alekseevich (1934 - 1968). 2. Open space (collection). 3. Interplanetary flights - the USSR - April 12, 1961 - Periodicals. 4. Cosmonautics - History - USSR - Periodicals. 5. Newspapers.
ББК 39.6я51
ББК 63.3 (2) 632я51
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: SZMOO FC
Catalogue object
из 4