Essays on the history of Russian culture. T. 2. Faith. Creation. Education

Milyukov, Pavel Nikolaevich (1859-1943).    
Essays on the history of Russian culture / Milyukov PN - Jubilee edition. - Paris: Contemporary Notes, 1930-1937. - 25 cm .
1. Russia - Culture - History.
ББК 71.1
ББК 63.3 (2) -7
T. 2: Faith. Creation. Education. Part 2, Art. School. Education. - 1931. - P. 459-1012. -
Bibliography at the end of chapters .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Russian Art - History. 3. Education - History - Russia. 4. Russia - Culture - History.
BBC 85.03 (2)
BBK 71.1 (2)
BBK 63.3 (2) -7
E-copy source: PB
Location of original storage: РНБ
Publisher Современные записки
Catalogue object