Plans for the outposts of the city of Vladimir Vladimir province with the designation and description of nearby buildings, build...

Plans for the outposts of the city of Vladimir Vladimir province with the designation and description of nearby buildings, buildings, streets. 1835. Copies. (graphics) [Case]. - 1: 1 680, 20 carbon black. in 1 English. inch. - 1835. - 5 L. - (Fund Plans and drawings of civil architecture (collection), Inventory No. 1). -
Handwritten text. Paper. Ink, watercolor.
The case contains the plans of the following outposts: The city plan of Vladimir Nizhny Novgorod outpost with the objects surrounding it and the indication of the lines assigned on the highest confirmed city plan. The plan of the location of the Murom Gate in the city of Vladimir with the objects surrounding it. The plan of Vladimir the Moscow outpost with its surrounding objects and the indication of lines assigned on the highest confirmed city plan. The plan of the town of Vladimir Yuryevskaya outpost with its surrounding objects and the indication of lines assigned on the highest confirmed city plan. The plan of the city of Vladimir Suzdal outpost with its surrounding objects and the indication of the lines assigned on the highest confirmed city plan. - Copy without cover .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Vladimir, the city - the 19th century. - Plans.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Вла) 521.2ю1я64
ББК 85.118ю1я64
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1488. Op. 1. D. 464.
Catalogue object