The project of the building of the institute of noble maidens (for 200 people) in the city of Vilna. B / d.

      Russia. Ministry of the Interior. Technical and Construction Committee.
The project of the building of the institute of noble maidens (for 200 people) in the city of Vilna. B / d. [Business]: b / y. - [1842-1864]. - 12 sheets. - (Fund of the Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Inventory No. 165). -
Handwritten text. Ink. Paper. Ink, watercolor.
The file contains a document: The project for the restructuring of the House of the Military Governor in Vilnius for the placement of the Institute of Noble Maidens for 200 pupils .
1. Mariinsky Higher Women's School (Vilna, city, Vilnius Province) - Plans. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Vilnius, city (Lithuania) - Buildings and buildings - History - Plans.
BBK 63.3 (28-8Vil) 521.2y1y67
BBK 74.03 (28-8Vil) 5-422yuy67
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1293. Op. 165. D. 26.
Catalogue object