The Origin of the World War

Poincare, Raymond (1860 - 1934).    
The Origin of the World War / Raymond Poincaré; translation from the French AF Speransky; with a foreword by I. N. Borozdin; MN Pokrovsky's introductory article "Who is Poincaré?". - Moscow: The publication of the TV "Mir", 1924. - 257 pp .. - (Library of Memoirs / edited by IN Borozdin). -
Bibliography in footnotes. - 3000 copies. .
I. Pokrovsky, Mikhail Nikolaevich (historian, political figure, 1868-1932). II. Borozdin, Ilya Nikolayevich (1883-1959). III. Speransky, A.F. The First World War (collection). 2. The First World War - The reasons - 1914 - 1918.
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Publisher Издание т-ва "Мир"
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