Through thorns to "stars"

  Ivanov, Nikolay Mikhailovich  (military historian, 1940-).    
Through the thorns to the "stars": the annals of service in the Navy and study at the VSMKU them. Frunze, MV, 1959-1965. : on materials of the Central Naval Archive, books and other printed publications, as well as personal memoirs of graduates of 1965 VVMKU them. Frunze MV / Nikolai M. Ivanov. - St. Petersburg: The Baltic Press, 2009. - 359 p. : ill., Port. ; 22. - On the 4th s. reg. Authors: Ivanov NM cap. 2 rank in retirement. - On the region: Chronicle of the cadet's life. - Dr. works avt .: with. 359. - 200 copies. - ISBN 978-5-91436-003-7 .
1. Higher Naval School. M.V. Frunze (St. Petersburg, city) - History - Documents and materials. 2. The people (the collection).
ББК Ц4,6 (2Р) 396.1г, 013
ББК 68.53р311 (2-2Ленинград)
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ISBN 978-5-91436-003-7
Publisher Балтийская печать
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