Ethical centeredness of the philosophical language of FM Dostoevsky and his influence on Russian philosophical existentialism

Korobov-Latyntsev, Andrei Yurievich (Candidate of Philosophy).    
Ethical centeredness of the philosophical language of FM Dostoevsky and his influence on Russian philosophical existentialism: the thesis abstract for the degree of Candidate of Philosophy: specialty 09.00.05 / Korobov-Latyntsev Andrey Yurievich; [Voronezh. state. un-t; Protection: Ivan. state. un-t]. - Ivanovo, 2014. - 24 p. -
Location of protection: Ivan. state. un-t. - Bibliography: p. 22-24 (13 titles) and in the footnote. note
1. Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881) - Philosophical views - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881) - Language and style - Abstracts of dissertations. 3. Russian language (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. Russia in the face (collection). 6. Ethics. 7. Russian language - Discourse - Abstracts of dissertations. 8. Existentialism - Russia - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8Dostoyevsky, FMYa31
BBK 81.411.2-51y031
ББК 81.003я031
ББК 87.3 (2) 53-712я031
Source of the electronic copy: IvSU. Website
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