Acts for the management of Malorossie. P.A. Rumyantseva for 1767

Vladimirsky-Budanov, Mikhail Flegontovich (1838-1916).    
Acts for the management of Malorossie. P.A. Rumyantseva for 1767 / [M. V.-Budanov]. - [Kiev]: type. Imp. Un-ta St. Vladimir, V. Zavadsky, [1891]. - 44 sec. ; 25. -
Author. is listed at the end of the preface.
Ott. from 5 books. "Readings in the East Island of Nestor the Chronicler". - Without tit. l. and region
I. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Peter Alexandrovich (1725-1796). II. Zadunaisky, Peter Alexandrovich (1725-1796). III. Budanov, Mikhail Flegontovich (1838-1916).
Electronic copy source: RSL
Location on

A 162/258
Publisher тип. Имп. Ун-та св. Владимира, В. Завадского