Author Богданович Модест Иванович Description Bogdanovich, Modest Ivanovich (1805-1882). Film The Eastern War of 1853-1856 / Works. gene.-leit. M.I. Bogdanovich .- St. Petersburg: type. F. Sushchinsky, 1876 .- 26 cm rus T. 1 .- 1876 .- III, III, 278, 40 s., [6] l. kart. . ББК 63.3 (2) 522-68,1 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher Тип. Ф. Сущинского Catalogue object Россия в кон. 50-х Collections Republic of Crimea → Republic of Crimea: pages of history → Authority → Region’s part in the foreign policy of the state → Crimean War (1853–1856) → General Section