Map of Eastern Siberia // Russian land. T. 10: Essays on Eastern Siberia

Russian land: (nature of the country, population and its industries): a collection for people's reading: Vol. 1-10 / ed. V. I. Shemyakina . - Moscow: type. by ID Sytin, 1894-1899
Map of Eastern Siberia [Maps]. - [1: 16 800 000], 400 miles in English. inch .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Siberia Eastern - Geography - con. 19th century. - Maps. 3. Geographic maps.
BBK 26.89 (285.4) i64
Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB
Location on the original: Иркутская ОГУНБ
Publisher тип. Т-ва И. Д. Сытина
Catalogue object