Medical and statistical report on morbidity and mortality in military educational institutions for the decade of 1876-1885.

  Demyankov, Nikolay Pavlovich  (1853-).    
Medical and statistical report on morbidity and mortality in military educational institutions for the decade of 1876-1885. / [] Dr. med. NP Demyankova. - St. Petersburg: Type. Y. Trey, 1889. - III, 261 pp., 10 liters. Table. ; 24 cm. - Baked. also in: Military-med. Zhurn., 1889, book. 5-9 .
ББК 68.726.0ю13
ББК 63.3 (2) 522-35ю13
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Я. Трей
Catalogue object