In the Far East. Book. 3. Buran. Woe-hunters. The party chief. Hunter for the pant. A victim of an evil spirit. In Japan. Orocho...

  Maksimov, Alexander Yakovlevich  (1851-1896).    
In the Far East: a complete collection of works: in 10 books / A. Ya. Maksimov . - St. Petersburg: M.K. Maksimov, 1898-1902 . - 10 tons 22 cm
Book. 3: Buran. Woe-hunters. The party chief. Hunter for the pant. A victim of an evil spirit. In Japan. Orochons. In China. - 1898. - [2], 266 pp., 9 liters. yl. .
ББК 84 (2Рос = Рус) 1
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher М. К. Максимова
Catalogue object