Report of the Rostov county zemstvo .... for 1892. [1. For the 1892 fiscal year, with attachments]. [2. For the first half of 18...

      Rostov uezd county government  
The report of the Rostov county zemstvo ... . - Yaroslavl, [1867] -1917 . - 22-35 cm
for the year 1892: [1. For the 1892 fiscal year, with attachments]. - Typo-lit. lips. earth. 1893. - 145 p., 1 table. .
BBK 63.3 (2) 5-334y54
BBK 63.3 (28-8 Yaro) 522-2-334y54
BBK 65.261.7-03 (28-8Yar) I54
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Типо-лит. губ. зем. управы
Catalogue object