The Journey of Novgorod's Archbishop Anthony to Constantinople at the end of the 12th century

  Anthony  (Archbishop of Velikiy Novgorod and Pskov,? -1231).     rus
The Journey of Novgorod's Archbishop Anthony to Constantinople at the end of the 12th century / c pref. and note. Pavel Savvaitov .- St. Petersburg: The Archaeographic Commission. , 1872 .- [2] s., 188 stb., [1] l. Fax. : ill., plan. ; 27 cm .- The main text of the Old Slavs., Pre. Rus. .
BBC E372.24-637.21-340.8Antonium, 13
BBK E37-576.72,13
Source: RSL
Publisher Археографическая комис.
Catalogue object