Russian military shipbuilding during the last 25 years, 1855-1880.

  Mordovin, Pavel Alexandrovich  (-1907).    
Russian military shipbuilding during the last 25 years, 1855-1880. / comp. cap-leit. Pav. Mordovin. - St.Petersburg: Type. Mor. m., 1881. - 115 p. Sec. pag., 1 table. ; 23 cm. - Baked. also in: journal. Marine collection. 1880, No. 8-10. 1881, No. 7-11 .
BBK 68.8 (2)
BBK 63.3 (2) 522-35
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. Мор. м-ва
Catalogue object