The book for elementary education of the law of God at home and in primary schools

Bukharev, John Nikolaevich (-1909).    
The book for the initial teaching of the law of God at home and in primary schools: With the annex. most programs and at the same time will explain. notes, methods of teaching and department for church-slav. reading, with a dictionary. - 9 th ed., Rev. and additional. - Moscow: Prince. mag. V.V. Dumnova, p / f. "The Holy Salaev Brothers", 1905. - 376 p. : ill. ; 21. -
On the region. date: 1906.
Electronic copy source: RSL
Location on

A 277/370
Publisher кн. маг. В.В. Думнова, п/ф. "Насл. бр. Салаевых"