An Dorov, Muscovites. Narjana vynder

Khanzerova, Irina Leonidovna    
An Dorova, Muscovites / Irina Khenzerova; photo from the contest Tatyana Davydova. - (Education). -
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The contest of teachers of native languages ​​ended in Moscow. NAO in this teacher's forum was represented by teachers of the Nenets language Tatiana Davydova and Paraskovya Vyucheyskaya // Narjana vynder. - 2014, No. 132 (December 4), p. 16 .
I. Davydova, Tatiana. The people (the collection). 2. Russian language (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Arkhangelsk Region (collection). 4. Nenets language - Teaching methodology. 5. School - Teaching in the native language. 6. Teachers - Pedagogical Excellence - Competitions.
BBK 74.044.5
BBK 74.04 (2Ros)
Source of electronic copy: Nenets Autonomous Okrug Publishing House
Location of original: Nenets Autonomous Okrug Publishing House
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