Бурят-Монгольская республика / Бурятская АССР
Бурят-Монгольская республика / Бурятская АССР
The Forest Code of the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Laws. Forest Code of the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. [Verkhneudinsk]: edition of the People's Commissariat of Burmons Republic, 1925.
НБ Респ. Бурятия
History of the development of the forestry industry in Buryatia from 1953 to 1991.
Vasiliev, Vasily Sokratovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1951). History of development of the forestry industry of Buryatia in 1953 - 1991. Ulan-Ude, 2006.
БГУ. Сайт