Right: week.juridgas..- SPB .. 1916 No. 25. June 26

Right: week.juridgas..- SPB.1916 No. 25. June 26.- [Petrograd: Type.T-Va "Ekateringof Printing"], 1916. -1449-1496 STB.: Tab .. -Content: Law and Extraordinary Decree in War Time / Prof.P.I.Lublin.Essays of urban law / Pros.-Doc.MBGorenberg.Regulations on insurance of workers and professional diseases / S.M.Glykin.Government actions.Chronicle, [and others].- Bibliogr.in a substrateNote.And in the text off.Articles..Electronic Source: PB
Publisher Тип. т-ва "Екатерингофское печатное дело"]

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