Zemskoy.G. 6. 1915. No. 3. February 5

Zemskoy affair: doubled.Journal for the development of Zemsky issues and comprehensive coverage of the activities and needs of Zemsky self-government in Russia.- St. Petersburg: D.D.Protopopov, 1912. -.1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.HerzenG. 6. 1915. No. 3. February 5: Leaves 2 times a month (5th and 20th).- Petrograd: [Type.ac.O-Va "Word"], 1915. - [104] p.section.Pag .. -Content: All-Russian Zemstvo Union / M. Poglyatkov.Zemstvo and cooperation in 1914 / A. Merkulov.The impact of the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages on fire in the Zemsky provinces / E. Golitsynskaya.The next cultural and community tasks of the provincial land of Volyn / V. Vasilko.Memory A.M.Kolyubakina / B. Veselovsky, [and others].- Bibliogr.in a substrateNote.and in the text..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher [Тип. Акц. о-ва "Слово"]

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