Land and forest resources

Land and forest resources

Plans of deposits of minerals: granite near. Porochi and Yampol Yampolsky. Podilsky Bay; limestone in the m. Zhvanets Kamenetsky. and in the vicinity of m. Brailov Vinnytsia u. Podilsky Bay; Alabaster near the town of Khotin in Bessarabia Bay. and with. Zavali Kamenetsky at the. Podilsky Bay; sandstone near Mogilev city of Mogilev province. 1853 (graphics)

Plans of deposits of minerals: granite near. Porochi and Yampol Yampolsky. Podilsky Bay; limestone in the m. Zhvanets Kamenetsky. and in the vicinity of m. Brailov Vinnytsia u. Podilsky Bay; Alabaster near the town of Khotin in Bessarabia Bay. and with. Zavali Kamenetsky at the. Podilsky Bay; sandstone near Mogilev city of Mogilev province. 1853 (graphics). 1853.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив