Merezhkovsky Dmitry (1865–1941)
Merezhkovsky Dmitry (1865–1941)
Social Doctrine and Social and Political Activity of Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky in the Context of the Development of Russian Christian Liberalism
Voevodina, Anastasia Anatolievna (candidate of historical sciences). Social Doctrine and Social and Political Activity of Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky in the Context of the Development of Russian Christian Liberalism. Kazan, 2010.
Lifetime complete collection of works as a structural and semantic unity in the work of Russian writers
Holikov, Alexey Alexandrovich (Doctor of Philology, 1984-). Lifetime complete collection of works as a structural and semantic unity in the work of Russian writers. Moscow, 2014.