About Ivan Turgenev’s oeuvre
- General works
Russian bulletin. [1862]. T. 39. [№ 5. May]
Russian bulletin. Moscow: the publication of M. Katkov, 1856-1906.
[1862]. T. 39. [№ 5. May]. 1862.Russian bulletin. [1862]. T. 40. [No. 7. July]
Russian bulletin. Moscow: the publication of M. Katkov, 1856-1906.
[1862]. T. 40. [No. 7. July]. 1862.Содерж.: О нашем нигилизме по поводу романа Тургенева. (Статья о романе «Отцы и дети») С. 402-426 . [сканы 406-430].
Domestic notes. 1867. T. 172. [No. 1]. May. Otd. 1-2
Domestic notes. St. Petersburg: B. and., 1867.
1867. T. 172. [No. 1]. May. Otd. 1-2. 1867.Содерж.: Страхов Н.Н. Новая повесть Тургенева. («Дым». Повесть И. С. Тургенева «Русск.Вестн.» 1867. Март). С. 157-180 [сканы 167-190].
Guidelines and educational elements in the works of Russian literature after Gogol
Nevzorov, Nikolai Kesarievich (1848-1904).Guidelines and educational elements in the works of Russian literature after Gogol.Kazan: Provincial Board Typography, 1883.Ivan Turgenev. The Hunting Sketches. Rudin. A Nest of the Gentry. On the Eve. Fathers and Sons. Smoke. Virgin Soil. Conclusion. p. 8-37 (scans 20-49)
Works N. K. Mikhailovsky.T. 6, [Vol.1].Experimental novel.About the letter and Dostoevsky.Brutal talent.About Turgenev.About Gleb Uspensky.Two-ends stick
Mikhailovsky.Nikolai Konstantinovich.sociologist.1842-1904.Works N. K. Mikhailovsky.St. Petersburg: Typography F. S. Sushchinsky, 1879-1885.T. 6, [Vol.1]: Experimental Roman;About the letter and Dostoevsky;Cruel talent;About Turgenev;About Gleb Uspensky;Stick about two ends.1885.Содерж.: О Тургеневе. С. 154-180 [сканы 160-186].
Critical articles on IS Turgenev and LN Tolstoy
Strakhov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (philosopher, 1828-1896). Critical articles on IS Turgenev and LN Tolst. St. Petersburg: Brother Printing House. Panteleevykh, 1885.Works by D.I. Pisarev: T. 1, vol. 2
Works by D.I. Pisarev: T. 1, vol. 2. 1894.Содерж,: Писемский, Тургенев и Гончаров. Женские типы в романах Писемского, Тургенева и Гончарова. Столб. 437-528 [сканы 81-126].
Works by D.I. Pisarev: T. 3, (2 half)
Works by D.I. Pisarev: T. 3, (2 half). 1894.Содерж,: Базаров. Столб. 373-422 [сканы 38-62].
Notes on the ideas in the Alexandrinsky Theater of plays by Turgenev and Ostrovsky
Molchanov Anatoly Evgrafovich (1856-1921).Notes on the ideas in the Alexandrinsky Theater of plays by Turgenev and Ostrovsky.Ancient portraits
Kotlyarevsky, Nestor Alexandrovich (1863-1925). Ancient portraits. St. Petersburg: the printing house MM. Stasyulevich, 1907.Содерж.: И. С. Тургенев. Рассказ о творчестве писателя. С. 259-271 [сканы 271-285].
Images of the past
Gershenzon, Mikhail Osipovich (1869-1925). Images of the past. Moscow: OCTO Publishing House, 1912.Содерж.: Поэмы И. С. Тургенева. С. 142-174 [сканы 150-182].
Critical manual.For school and self -education.T. 3. (Gr. L.N. Tolstoy, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Koltsov, Maikov, Fet, Tyutchev, Gr. Al. Tolstoy, Chekhov)
Weinberg.L.O. Critical manual.T. 3: (Gr. L.N. Tolstoy, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Koltsov, Maykov, Fet, Tyutchev, gr. Al. Tolstoy, Chekhov).1913.Critical review about Ivan Turgenev’s oeuvre. p. 135-303 (scans 143-311)
Collected works of Apollon Grigoriev. Issue. 10. IS Turgenev and his activities
Grigoriev, Apollo Aleksandrovich (literary critic, poet, 1822-1864). Collected works of Apollon Grigoriev. Moscow: Tipolitografiya t-va IN Kushneryov and Co., 1915-1916.
Вып. 10: IS Turgenev and his activities. 1915.I.S. Turgenev
Soloviev, Eugene. I.S. Turgenev. Petrograd: The Book Publishing of "Cooperation", 1919.Russian speech. New series 2
Russian speech. Leningrad: Academia, 1927-1928. Film The New Series 2. 1928.Содержит: Пешковский А. "Стихотворений в прозе" Тургенева. С. 69-83 [сканы 73-87].
Repin and Turgenev
Zilberstein, Ilya Samoilovich (1905-1988). Repin and Turgenev. Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1945; Leningrad. - Modern studies
Portrait of a Woman in Ivan Turgenev's Prose
Al Kaysi Ayat Youssef (Candidate of Philology). A portrait of a woman in Ivan Turgenev's prose. Moscow, 2015.Metaphysical foundations of the longing motive in the "mysterious stories" of I. S. Turgenev
Baritsky, Dmitry Sergeevich.The metaphysical foundations of the longing motive in the "mysterious stories" of I. S. Turgenev.Mytishchi, 2021.Text semantic field as an object and a method of studying the literary text (based on the material of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Noble Nest")
Bath.The text semantic field as an object and a method of studying the literary text (based on the material of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Noble Nest").Moscow, 2021.The image and communicative position of the teacher in Russian literature: DI Fonvizin, IS Turgenev, AP Chekhov
Vlasova, Marina Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). The image and communicative position of the teacher in Russian literature: DI Fonvizin, IS Turgenev, AP Chekhov. Tomsk, 2005.Chekhov - a reader and critic Ivan Turgenev
Grigoryan Goar Arturovna (1988 -).Chekhov - a reader and critic Ivan Turgenev.Moscow, 2019.Pushkin's traditions in the works of IS Turgenev in the 1840s and early 1850s
Dubinina, Tatyana Gennadievna (Candidate of Philology). Pushkin's traditions in the works of IS Turgenev in the 1840s and early 1850s. Moscow, 2011.Genre specificity of drama IS Turgenev
Isakova, Yana Nazirbekovna (Candidate of Philology). Genre specificity of dramaturgy IS Turgenev. Ivanovo, 2013.2020
Camille, Furat (candidate of philological sciences).Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" in historical and functional lighting.Moscow, 2016.IS Turgenev - translator
Klimenteva, Alexandra Sergeevna (Candidate of Philology). IS Turgenev is an interpreter. Tomsk, 2007.Ljubovno-philosophical stories of ISTurgenev and a problem of cycloobrazovanija in creativity of the writer of 1850th years
Kuzavova, Maria Viktorovna (Candidate of Philology). Ljubovno-philosophical novels of ISTurgenev and a problem of cycloobrazovanija in creativity of the writer of 1850th years. Moscow, 2012.The problem of biography in the works of IS Turgenev 1840-1850-ies
The problem of biography in the works of IS Turgenev 1840-1850-ies. 2008.The hero and the problem of heroization in the novel work of IS Turgenev
Nikolaenko, Natalia Vladimirovna (candidate of philological sciences). The hero and the problem of heroization in the novel work of IS Turgenev. Voronezh, 2010.Rhythm, space and time in Russian literature of the XIX century manor
Pyrkov, Ivan Vladimirovich (Ph.D.).Rhythm, space and time in Russian literature of the XIX century manor.Saratov: [b.and.], 2018.Intermedial poetics of the prose of IS Turgenev, LN Tolstoy and AP Chekhov in the light of the interpretation of their works by opera librettists
Samorodov, Maxim Andreevich (candidate of philological sciences). Intermedial poetics of the prose of IS Turgenev, LN Tolstoy and AP Chekhov in the light of the interpretation of their works by opera librettists. Moscow, 2015. - Illustrations for Ivan Turgenev’s works
Содерж.: Роман Тургенева и его критики. (Статья о романе «Отцы и дети») С. 393-424. [сканы 397-428].