Child care

Child care

The case of the acceptance of the collegiate assessor of Glinka as a member of the Estate for the charity of the underage poor and the election of his sister, the widow of the lieutenant Shestakova, into the active members of the estate, after his death, and after her dismissal the sister of the latter, the wife of Colonel OI Izmailov

Imperial philanthropic society.
The case of the acceptance of the collegiate assessor Glinka as a member of the estate for the charity of the underage poor and of his election to the active members of the estate, after his death, his sister - the widow of Lieutenant Shestakova, and after her dismissal - the sister of the latter, the wife of Colonel OI. Izmailov.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)