Particular aspects of activities

Particular aspects of activities

The case of enrolling a resident of the faculty clinic of St. Vladimir University Savin in the active service of the time he spent from May 24 to October 1, 1878 in the Odessa Quarantine Infirmary of the Red Cross Society

Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The case of enrolling a resident of the faculty clinic of the University of St. Vladimir Savin in the active service of the time he spent from May 24 to October 1, 1878 in the Odessa Quarantine Infirmary of the Red Cross Society.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)

Two certificates addressed to Sofya Nikolaevna Vasilchikova, about her assistance on the way during her business trip to Nikolsk-Ussuriisk, from the Red Cross Society

Vasilchikovs, princes.
Two certificates addressed to Sofya Nikolaevna Vasilchikova, about her assistance during her trip to Nikolsk-Ussuriisk, from the Red Cross Society.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)

The certificate issued gr. Tyshkevich Vladislav Libavskiy stage infirmary of the Russian Red Cross Society about his work in this infirmary and the power of attorney of Tyshkevich's wife to receive shares of the joint stock company "Warsaw Philharmonic"

Dymsh Lubomir Kleofasovich, lawyer, privat-docent of the St. Petersburg University, member of the III and IV State Duma, Polish colo, member of the training committee and official of special assignments of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office, landowner of the Constantine district.
The certificate issued by gr. Tyshkevich Vladislav Libavskiy stage infirmary of the Russian Red Cross Society about his work in this infirmary and the power of attorney of Tyshkevich's wife to receive shares of the joint stock company "Warsaw Philharmonic".

Letters of the Society of Classical Philology and Pedagogy "," Society of Zealots of History "," Philosophical Society "," Russian Red Cross Society "and others about the enrollment of MA Taube as an honorary member.Charters of societies, lists of members, reports and other printed materials of these societies

Taub Mikhail Aleksandrovich, baron, genealogist, lawyer, vice director of the second department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, comrade of the Minister of Education.
Letters of the Society of Classical Philology and Pedagogy "," Society of Zealots of History "," Philosophical Society "," Russian Society of the Red Cross "and others about the enrollment of MA Taube as an honorary member. other printed materials of these companies.