Memory of the writer
- General section
Дело об учреждении при Московском университете стипендий имени Н. В. Гоголя
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case on the establishment of a N.Gogol scholarship at the Moscow University.The case of the presentation by the publisher of the magazine "Niva" A.F.Marx is right to the author's fee for the works of N.V.Gogol
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the presentation by the publisher of the magazine "Niva" A.F.Marx is right to the author's fee for the works of N.V.Gogol.апрель 1893
The case of the petition of the hereditary nobleman Adolf Marx regarding his reward for the idea on the imperial scenes of N.V.Gogol
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the petition of the hereditary nobleman Adolf Marx regarding his reward for the idea on the imperial scenes of N.V.Gogol.февраль 1902
Three speeches in memory of Karamzin, Gogol and Zhukovsky (1901 and 1902).
Voskresensky, Arseny Ivanovich (1844-1909). Three speeches in memory of Karamzin, Gogol and Zhukovsky (1901 and 1902). Vyshny-Volochek: printing house of V.S. Sokolova, 1902.Funny and Sad in the Life and Poetry of N. V. Gogol: a speech delivered in the Izmail Male Gymnasium, at a public event in memory of Gogol, February 21, 1902. P. 17-59 [scans 33-75].
N.V. Gogol
N.V. Gogol. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1902.N.V. Gogol in Russian poetry
Kallash, VVN.V. Gogol in Russian poetry. Moscow: Izd. t-va ID Sytin, 1902.Honoring Memory N.V. Gogol and V.A. Zhukovsky on the lips. mountains. Vladimir. (22 and 23 April 1902)
Honoring Memory N.V. Gogol and V.A. Zhukovsky on the lips. mountains. Vladimir. (22 and 23 April 1902). Vladimir on the Klyazma: Vladimir. scientist. arch. com., 1902.The case of approval of the statute of the Poltava literary and artistic society named after N. V. Gogol
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case of the approval of the statute of the Poltava literary and artistic society named after N. V. Gogol.This sting. 1906, No. 23
This sting. Kharkov: A. A. Germeier, 1906-1918.
1906, No. 23. 1906.To Gogol. P. 2 [scan 2]. A poem dedicated to the writer.
In memory of VA Zhukovsky and N. Gogol. Issue. 1. VA Zhukovsky's letters to Emperor Nicholas I and to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1821-1852. Letters from VA Zhukovsky's diaries of 1814 and 1815
In memory of VA Zhukovsky and N. Gogol. St.Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1907-1909.
Zhukovsky, Vasily Andreevich (poet, 1783-1852). Issue. 1: VA Zhukovsky's letters to Emperor Nicholas I and to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna 1821-1852; Letters from VA Zhukovsky's diaries of 1814 and 1815. 1907.V. A. Frantsev. N. V. Gogol in Czech Literature. P.52-88 [scans 278-315].
The trial is on !. 1926 No. 5
The trial is on !. Leningrad: B. and., 1931.
1926 No. 5. 1926.O. Dessien. Turgenev’s arrest and exile: The case of Gogol’s death. Columns 275-280 [scans 10-12].
- Anniversaries
- 100th anniversary
In memory of VA Zhukovsky and N. Gogol. Issue. 2. [Songs collected by NV Gogol
In memory of VA. Zhukovsky and N.V. Gogol. Issue. 2: [Songs collected by NV Gogol.
St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1907-1909. 1908.In memory of VA Zhukovsky and N. Gogol. Issue. 3. [Gogol's texts
In memory of VA Zhukovsky and N. Gogol. St.Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1907-1909.
Вып. 3: [Gogol's texts. 1909.The case of the construction of a free morning performance for students in St. Petersburg educational institutions on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gogol
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the construction of a free morning performance for students in St. Petersburg educational institutions on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gogol.март 1909
Good morning.[G.1].1909. No. 6. March 15
Good morning.[G.1].1909. No. 6. March 15.1909.Номер целиком посвящен юбилею Н. В. Гоголя
The People's Teacher. 4. 4. 1909. № 5-6. March
The People's Teacher. Moscow: Worker of Education, 1924-1935; Leningrad. 4. 4. 1909. No. 5-6. March. 1909.I. Oreshin. N. V. Gogol. P. 3-8 [scans 5-10]. To the 100th anniversary of the death of N. V. Gogol.
Notice of the Chairman of the Committee on the construction of the monument N.V.Gogol to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz about the adoption of him a medal on the occasion of the opening of the monument N.V.Gogol
Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.Notice of the Chairman of the Committee on the construction of the monument N.V.Gogol to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz about the adoption of him a medal on the occasion of the opening of the monument N.V.Gogol.май 1909
Correspondence of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Third Convocation with the Moscow mayor N. I. Gutskov on the celebration of the centenary of the birth of N. V. Gogol
State Duma of the I, II, III and IV convocations.
Correspondence of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Third Convocation with the Moscow mayor N. I. Gutskov on the celebration of the centenary of the birth of N. V. Gogol.март 1909 - декабрь 1910
- 200th anniversary
On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Gogol
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of NV Gogol. Moscow, 2007.
- Monuments to Nikolai Gogol
Дело об установлении в фойе Александринского театра бронзового бюста Н.В. Гоголя в честь 50-летнего юбилея постановки комедии "Ревизор"
Дирекция императорских театров МИДв.
Дело об установлении в фойе Александринского театра бронзового бюста Н. В. Гоголя в честь 50-летнего юбилея постановки комедии "Ревизор".декабрь 1885 - апрель 1886
The case of resolving the society of fans of Russian literature at the Imperial Moscow University to arrange during the Holy Week according to one morning performance in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with the appeal of the collection (minus evening expenses) in capital, composition
Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of resolving the society of fans of Russian literature at the Imperial Moscow University to arrange during the holy week by one morning performance in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with the appeal of the collection (minus evening expenses) to the capital compiled for the construction of the monument to N.V.Gogol.февраль - май 1889
The case of the office of the celebration of the opening of monuments to Alexander III (in St. Petersburg) and N.V.Gogol (in Moscow)
The society of zealots of Russian historical education in the memory of Emperor Alexander III (1895-1918).The case of the office of the celebration of the opening of monuments to Alexander III (in St. Petersburg) and N.V.Gogol (in Moscow).1908 - апрель 1909
Folk field. 1909. № 11. May 5
Folk field.
1909. № 11. May 5. 1909.Opening of the monument to N. V. Gogol. P. 78 [scan 2].
Letter from AF Kony to the Chairman of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature on the occasion of the unveiling of the monument to Nikolai Gogol in Moscow
Koni Anatoly Fedorovich, a lawyer, a writer, a member of the Academy of Sciences, chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court, a member of the State Council.
Letter from AF Kony to the chairman of the Society of Russian Literature Lovers about the unveiling of the monument to Nikolai Gogol in Moscow.Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1936, No. 32 (July 11)
THE USSR. Laws and regulations. Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Moscow, 1924-1937.
1936, No. 32 (July 11). 1936].Resolutions of the Council of People’s Commissars: 286. On the construction of a new monument to N. V. Gogol in Moscow. P. 488 [scan 6].
Moscow. Monument to N.V. Gogol
Moscow. Monument to N.V. Gogol. - Places associated with the writer’s life and work
Horus Pushkin, Leningrad region (formerly Tsarskoye Selo). "Kitaev's Dacha" , in which A. S. Pushkin lived in the summer of 1831. N. V. Gogol often visited A. Pushkin here
Horus Pushkin, Leningrad region (formerly Tsarskoye Selo). "Kitaev's Dacha" , in which A. S. Pushkin lived in the summer of 1831. N. V. Gogol often visited A. Pushkin here.Museum-estate Abramtsevo (Moscow region). The former estate of Aksakov, where N. V. Gogol often visited
Museum-estate Abramtsevo (Moscow region). The former estate of Aksakov, where N. V. Gogol often visited.Moscow. Suvorovsky Boulevard (former Nikitsky). The house where Nikolai Gogol died
Moscow. Suvorovsky Boulevard (former Nikitsky). The house where Nikolai Gogol died. 1952.
июль - август 1866