Monuments to Nikolai Gogol

Monuments to Nikolai Gogol

Дело об установлении в фойе Александринского театра бронзового бюста Н. В. Гоголя в честь 50-летнего юбилея постановки комедии "Ревизор"

Дирекция императорских театров МИДв.
Дело об установлении в фойе Александринского театра бронзового бюста Н. В. Гоголя в честь 50-летнего юбилея постановки комедии "Ревизор".
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

декабрь 1885 - апрель 1886

The case of resolving the society of fans of Russian literature at the Imperial Moscow University to arrange during the holy week by one morning performance in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with the appeal of the collection (minus evening expenses) to the capital compiled for the construction of the monument to N.V.Gogol

Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of resolving the society of fans of Russian literature at the Imperial Moscow University to arrange during the holy week by one morning performance in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with the appeal of the collection (minus evening expenses) to the capital compiled for the construction of the monument to N.V.Gogol.

февраль - май 1889

Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1936, No. 32 (July 11)

THE USSR. Laws and regulations. Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Moscow, 1924-1937.
1936, No. 32 (July 11). 1936].

Resolutions of the Council of People’s Commissars: 286. On the construction of a new monument to N. V. Gogol in Moscow. P. 488 [scan 6].