About the oeuvre of Belinsky
About the oeuvre of Belinsky
Essays on the development of progressive ideas in our society. 1825-1860
Scabichevsky, Alexander Mikhailovich (1838-1910).
Essays on the development of progressive ideas in our society. 1825-1860 year. Saint-Petersburg: type. AA Krayevsky, 1872.
Works by D.I. Pisarev: T. 5, (issue 1): [Pushkin and Belinsky
Works by D.I. Pisarev: T. 5, (issue 1): [Pushkin and Belinsky. 1894.
In the forties
Чешихин-Ветринский, Василий Евграфович (1866-1923). В сороковых годах. Москва : типо-литография товарищества И. Н. Кушнерев и К°, 1899.
In memory of V. G. Belinsky. An essay on life and work. P. 24-62 [scans 36-73]; Belinsky on theatre. P. 331-357 [scans 343-369].
Principles of criticism of V. G. Belinsky
Baltalon, Caesar Pavlovich (1855-1913).Principles of criticism of V. G. Belinsky.Moscow: Typography O. L. Somova, 1898.
Penza Ob.
E [Liz.] And [NAT.] M [Olchalo] VA."V. G. Belinsky - Dramaturgure. Help"
Molchanov Anatoly Evgrafovich (1856-1921), Vice-President of the Russian Theater Society, editor of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", Chairman of the Board of the Russian Society of Shipping Company and Trade.E [Liz.] And [NAT.] M [Olchalo] VA."V. G. Belinsky - Dramaturgure. Help."
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive"
Three Westerners of the Forties
Bogucharsky, Vasily Yakovlevich (1861-1915).
Three Westerners of the forties.
St. Petersburg: N. O. Popova, 1901.
St. Petersburg: N. O. Popova, 1901.
Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky. P. 63-132 [scans 72-140].
Literary readings
Resurrection, Yevgeny Ivanovich (1859-1887). Literary readings. Moscow: the publication of K. I. Tikhomirov, 1901.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества
V. G. Belinsky. P. 103-128 [scans 107-132].
Reading on the latest Russian literature.Vol.1. 1) Introduction to the history of the latest Russian literature.2) Belinsky.3) Turgenev.4) Goncharov.5) Ostrovsky.6) Nekrasov
Alexandrovsky.Grigory Vladimirovich.1872-.Reading on the latest Russian literature.Kiev: the publication of the Kiev women's A. T. Duchin gymnasium, [1904-1910].Vol.1: 1) introduction to the story of the modern Russian literature;2) Belinsky;3) Turgenev;4) gonchars;5) Ostrovsky;6) Nekrasov.1904.
2) V. G. Belinsky. P. 31-57 [scans 35-53].
Pushkin and Belinsky. Columns 1-122 [scans 6-66].