Administrative Department
Administrative Department
The case of extradition of cashless provisions to employees in Kamchatka, Izhiga and Okhotsk civil and medical officials and lower ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. N. 20.11. 1819; V.U. 02.02. 1820
The case of extradition of cashless provisions to employees in Kamchatka, Izhiga and Okhotsk civil and medical officials and lower ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. N. 20.11. 1819; V.U. 02.02. 1820 g.1819.
On pensions to officials serving in Kamchatka, Okhotsk and Gizhig. 1845 g.N. 19 / VI; V.u. 7 / XI.
On pensions to officials serving in Kamchatka, Okhotsk and Gizhig. 1845 g.N. 19 / VI; V.u. 7 / XI.1845.
On the abandonment without consequences of the assumption of the transfer of Mr. Gizhigi to Kolosov Uval. December 8 - December 22, 1854
On the abandonment without consequences of the assumption of the transfer of Mr. Gizhigi to Kolosov Uval. December 8 - December 22, 1854, 1854.