Social activity. Self-government bodies
Social activity. Self-government bodies
All-Russian organization in the Far East. T. 2 (last)
All-Russian organization in the Far East. Moscow: Tipo-lit. Rus. т-ва печ. and ed. business, 1908-1910. Film T. 2 (The Last). 1910.
All-Russian organization in the Far East. T. 1
All-Russian organization in the Far East. Moscow: Tipo-lit. Rus. т-ва печ. and ed. business, 1908-1910.
T. 1. 1908.
T. 1. 1908.
Proceedings of the Amur expedition sent on the highest orders. Issue. 9. Land management in connection with the social and administrative structure and management in the Amur and Primorye regions
Amur expedition. 1910. (1910). Proceedings of the Amur expedition sent on the highest orders. St. Petersburg, 1911-1913.
Вып. 9: Land management in connection with the social and administrative structure and management in the Amur and Primorye regions. 1911.
Вып. 9: Land management in connection with the social and administrative structure and management in the Amur and Primorye regions. 1911.
Zemsky self-government of the Far East in the conditions of revolutions and civil war
Chernaya, Ekaterina Vasilievna
Zemsky self-government of the Far East in the conditions of revolutions and civil war.
Vladivostok, 2011.
Vladivostok, 2011.
Trade unions of the Far East in 1923.
Trade unions of the Far East in 1923. Chita: Book business, 1924; Vladivostok.
Komsomol DVO
VLKSM. The Central Committee. Komsomol of the Far Eastern Military District. Chita: Dahlkrayburo of the Central Committee of the RKSM, 1924.
Non-profit organizations in regional politics
Kiyashko, Yevgenia Yuryevna
Non-profit organizations in regional politics.
Vladivostok, 2010.
Vladivostok, 2010.
Political participation and the role of non-profit organizations in democratic transformations in Primorye at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.
Vladimirov, Dmitry Anatolyevich
Political participation and the role of non-profit organizations in democratic transformations in Primorye at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century .. Vladivostok, 2010.
Formal and informal relations in the information support of local self-government
Molyarenko, Olga Andreevna (candidate of sociological sciences). Formal and informal relations in the information support of local self-government. Khabarovsk, 2016.
Political consciousness of student youth in small and medium-sized cities: problems and ways of forming
Kalugina, Marina Albertovna
Political consciousness of student youth in small and medium-sized cities: problems and ways of formation.
Vladivostok, 2007.
Vladivostok, 2007.