Kheraskov Mikhail Matveevich (1733–1807)
Kheraskov Mikhail Matveevich (1733–1807)
Blackmark battle
Kheraskov, Michael.Blackmark battle.[St. Petersburg]: under imp.Acad.Sciences, 1771.
GPIB.Center for Social and Political History
Oda Emperor Majesty, the autocrat of the All-Russian Catherine the second, concluded on the occasion of joining the compulsory-Polish regions to the Russian Empire, and on the all-time engagement of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich with the Great Prince Elisvet Alekseevna.1793, May Day
Heraskov, Mikhail Matveyevich (1733-1807).Oda Emperor Majesty, the autocrat of the All-Russian Catherine the second, concluded on the occasion of joining the compulsory-Polish regions to the Russian Empire, and on the all-time engagement of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich with the Great Prince Elisvet Alekseevna.1793, May Day.Moscow: in university printing house, V. Okorokova, 1793.
Тамбовская ОУНБ
Kheraskov, Mikhail Matveyevich. Russia. Moscow: Pecs. under the Imp. Moscow. un, 1779.
Владимирская ОУНБ
Literary destinations in the Catherine Epoch
Untellov, Alexander Ilyich (1845-1896).Literary directions in the Catherine Epoch.St. Petersburg: ed.N.G.Martynova, 1889.
Poems M.M.Kheraskova on the themes of Russian history ("Russia" , "Vladimir" , "king, or saved Novgorod" )
Poems M.M.Kheraskova on the topics of Russian history ("Russia" , "Vladimir" , "king, or saved Novgorod" ).2019.