About Fyodor Tyutchev

About Fyodor Tyutchev

Critical manual.For school and self -education.T. 3. (Gr. L.N. Tolstoy, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Koltsov, Maikov, Fet, Tyutchev, Gr. Al. Tolstoy, Chekhov)

Weinberg.L.O. Critical manual.T. 3: (Gr. L.N. Tolstoy, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Koltsov, Maykov, Fet, Tyutchev, gr. Al. Tolstoy, Chekhov).1913.

Turgenev. About Tyutchev's poems. Vlad. Soloviev. Tyutchev's poetry. p. 464-480 (scans 472-488)

Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive. The Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Foundation (1877-1931). The report of V. Draganov "On the influence of Lermontov's" Prayer "(" In a moment of difficult life ... ") on Tyutchev's"

Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive.
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). The report of V. Draganov "On the influence of Lermontov's" Prayer "(" In a moment of difficult life ... ") on Tyutchev." [19 ..].
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"


Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive. The Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Foundation (1877-1931). Review of V. Leikina on Leonid Grossman's book "Three Contemporaries" (Publishing House of Writers, Moscow, 1922) about A. Grigoriev, F.M. Dostoevsky and F.I. Tyutchev

Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive.
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Review of V. Leikina on Leonid Grossman's book "Three Contemporaries" (Publishing House of Writers, Moscow, 1922) about A. Grigoriev, F.M. Dostoevsky and F.I. Tyutchev. [192.].
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

not until 1922