Memory of the poet

Memory of the poet

Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive. The Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Foundation (1877-1931). Note V. Draganova "Monument to Tyutchev"

Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive.
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Note V. Draganova "Monument to Tyutchev." 1922.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"