Kozhevin, Vladimir Grigorievich (1907–1990)
Kozhevin, Vladimir Grigorievich (1907–1990)
Kozhevin V.G.Membership and trade union tickets of various public organizations.- 1930-1968Hak.R-1349.OP.1.D.102.LL.1-105
Kozhevin V.G.Membership and trade union tickets of various public organizations.- 1930-1968Hak.R-1349.OP.1.D.102.LL.1-105.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Documents (letters, invitations, programs, etc.) on the activities of Kozhevin V.G.In the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the USSR.- 1955-1962GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.109.LL.1-18
Documents (letters, invitations, programs, etc.) on the activities of Kozhevin V.G.In the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the USSR.- 1955-1962GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.109.LL.1-18.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Kozhevin V.G.Abstracts to the report based on the results of the work of the XX Congress of the CPSU.- 1956GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.107.LL.1-35
Kozhevin V.G.Abstracts to the report based on the results of the work of the XX Congress of the CPSU.- 1956GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.107.LL.1-35.1956.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Documents (protocol of the scientific seminar, copy of the diploma of Ph.D., dissertation) on the award of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree Ph.D.- 1960-1962Hak.R-1349.OP.1.D.29.LL.1-253
Documents (protocol of the scientific seminar, copy of the diploma of Ph.D., dissertation) on the award of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree Ph.D.- 1960-1962Hak.R-1349.OP.1.D.29.LL.1-253.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Kozhevin V.G.Reports and theses of speeches in Kuzpi.GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.24.LL.1-216
Kozhevin V.G.Reports and theses of speeches in Kuzpi.GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.24.LL.1-216.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Documents (petition, characteristic, brief description of the work) about the assignment of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences- 1962, 1968GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D. 30.LL.1-166
Documents (petition, characteristic, brief description of the work) about the assignment of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences- 1962, 1968GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D. 30.LL.1-166.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Documents (membership tickets, certificates, mandates, etc.) on activities in the Society "Knowledge".- 1962-1980GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.113.LL.1-317
Documents (membership tickets, certificates, mandates, etc.) on activities in the Society "Knowledge".- 1962-1980GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.113.LL.1-317.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
Kozhevin V.G.Reports and texts of performances at party captivity and conferences.GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.106.LL.1-155
Kozhevin V.G.Reports and texts of performances at party captivity and conferences.GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.106.LL.1-155.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"
- Materials from periodicals
Kuzbass.1953, № 6 (7684) (January 8)
Kuzbass.Kemerovo, 1922-.1953, No. 6 (7684) (January 8).1953.Kuzbass.1954, No. 43 (8029) (February 20)
Kuzbass.Kemerovo, 1922-.1954, No. 43 (8029) (February 20).1954.Vote for the candidate of the popular bloc of communists and non-party people, Vladimir Grigorievich Kozhevin (p. 1)
Kuzbass.1959, No. 38 (9558) (February 13)
Kuzbass.Kemerovo, 1922-.1959, No. 38 (9558) (February 13).1959.Our candidates for deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Kozhevin Vladimir Grigorievich (p. 3)
Kuzbass.1974, No. 44 (14155) (February 21)
Kuzbass.Kemerovo, 1922-.1974, No. 44 (14155) (February 21).1974.The delegates are speaking. Kozhevin V. G., rector of the Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute (p. 1)
Kuzbass.1976, No. 201 (14922) (August 28)
Kuzbass.Kemerovo, 1922-.1976, No. 201 (14922) (August 28).1976.Congratulations! [about inclusion in the Book of Honor of the All-Union Society "Knowledge" named after V. G. Kozhevin] (p. 2)
Kuzbass.1990, No. 95 (20025) (April 24)
Kuzbass.Kemerovo, 1922-.1990, No. 95 (20025) (April 24).1990.Vladimir Grigorievich Kozhevin [obituary] (p.4)
- Photographs
Kozhevin V.G., delegate of XX and XXIV Congresses of the CPSU.1956, 1971: [photos].- Moscow.-Frotope, black and white.GAK.R-1349.Op.2.D.12.LL.1-5
Kozhevin V.G., delegate of XX and XXIV Congresses of the CPSU.1956, 1971: [photos].- Moscow.-Frotope, black and white.GAK.R-1349.Op.2.D.12.LL.1-5.Kozhevin Vladimir Grigoryevich.The portrait is loading.[1970s].
Kozhevin Vladimir Grigoryevich.The portrait is loading.[1970s].Heroes of socialist labor.In the center - Kozhevin V.G.
Heroes of socialist labor.In the center - Kozhevin V.G.
For a further increase in coal production: a conversation with the head of the Kemerovougol plant, Hero of Socialist Labor V. G. Kozhevin (p. 1)