Kozhevin, Vladimir Grigorievich (1907–1990)

Kozhevin, Vladimir Grigorievich (1907–1990)

Documents (letters, invitations, programs, etc.) on the activities of Kozhevin V.G.In the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the USSR.- 1955-1962GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.109.LL.1-18

Documents (letters, invitations, programs, etc.) on the activities of Kozhevin V.G.In the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the USSR.- 1955-1962GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D.109.LL.1-18.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"

Documents (protocol of the scientific seminar, copy of the diploma of Ph.D., dissertation) on the award of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree Ph.D.- 1960-1962Hak.R-1349.OP.1.D.29.LL.1-253

Documents (protocol of the scientific seminar, copy of the diploma of Ph.D., dissertation) on the award of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree Ph.D.- 1960-1962Hak.R-1349.OP.1.D.29.LL.1-253.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"

Documents (petition, characteristic, brief description of the work) about the assignment of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences- 1962, 1968GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D. 30.LL.1-166

Documents (petition, characteristic, brief description of the work) about the assignment of V.G.Kozhevin of the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences- 1962, 1968GAK.R-1349.OP.1.D. 30.LL.1-166.
Государственное казенное учреждение "Государственный архив Кузбасса"