Nevelsky Gennady Ivanovich (1813-1876)
Nevelsky Gennady Ivanovich (1813-1876)
Marine collection. T. 72, No. 6
Marine collection. St. Petersburg, 1848-.
T. 72, No. 6. 1864.
T. 72, No. 6. 1864.
Marine collection. Т. 73, № 7
Marine collection. St. Petersburg, 1848-.
T. 73, No. 7. 1864.
T. 73, No. 7. 1864.
Nevelskoy, G.I., "Review of the Results of Russian Action in the Northeastern Borders of Russia and the Participation of Officers of our Fleet in the Reunification of the Amur Region with Russia," pp. 1-17 (scan pages 301-317)
Marine collection. Т. 73, № 8
Marine collection. St. Petersburg, 1848-.
T. 73, No. 8. 1864.
T. 73, No. 8. 1864.
Nevelskoy, G.I., "Review of the Results of Russian Action in the Northeastern Borders of Russia and the Participation of Officers of our Fleet in the Reunification of the Amur Region with Russia," pp. 21-38 (scan pages 492-507)
Sakhalin Island and the expedition of 1853-54.
Busse, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1828-1866).
Sakhalin Island and the expedition of 1853-54. ; Answer F. Busse Messrs Nevelsky and Rudanovsky.
St. Petersburg: in the type. FS Sushchinsky, 1872.
St. Petersburg: in the type. FS Sushchinsky, 1872.
The feats of Russian naval officers in the extreme east of Russia 1849-55. Priamursky and Priusurii Territory
Nevelskoy, Gennady Ivanovich (1813-1876).
The feats of Russian naval officers in the extreme east of Russia 1849-55. Priamursky and Priusurijsky edge.
St. Petersburg: Russian First Printing (L. S. Nakhimova), 1878.
St. Petersburg: Russian First Printing (L. S. Nakhimova), 1878.
Memory of Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky
Zhdanko.Memory of Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky.Vladivostok: Type.The combat department of the Vladivostok Port Office, qualifying.1913.
Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevel
Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevel.St. Petersburg: Type.Mor.m-va 1914.
On the appointment of Vice Admiral Nevelskoy pension for assistance to the accession of the Amur region to Russia
Committee of Ministers (1802-1906).
On the appointment of Vice Admiral Nevelskoy pension for assistance to the accession of the Amur region to Russia.
On the appointment of Vice Admiral Nevelskoy pension for assistance to the accession of the Amur region to Russia.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Nevelskoy, G.I., "Review of the Results of Russian Action in the Northeastern Borders of Russia and the Participation of Officers of our Fleet in the Reunification of the Amur Region with Russia," pp. 21-45 (scan pages 447-471).