The collected works of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. 1867-1916

The collected works of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. 1867-1916

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. 82. Diplomatic Relations Between Russia and France in the Epoch of Napoleon I

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 82: Diplomatic Relations Between Russia and France in the Epoch of Napoleon I. S. Petersburg: M. M. Stasyulevych Printing House, 1892.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. 83. Political correspondence of General Savary during his stay in St. Petersburg in 1807.

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 83: Political correspondence of General Savary during his stay in St. Petersburg in 1807. St. Petersburg: printing house Trenke and Fusno, 1892.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. T. 89. The Embassy of Count PA Tolstoy in Paris in 1807 and 1808.

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 89: The Embassy of Count PA Tolstoy in Paris in 1807 and 1808. Petersburg: printing house I. N. Skorokhodov, 1893.
