History of textbooks

History of textbooks

The “History of textbooks” section represents an introduction to the collection “Russian history textbooks” and familiarizes the reader with biographies of authors and compilers of textbooks, thus takes a role of a commentary to a number of textbooks. The section contains encyclopedias, research papers, scientific works from collected articles, prefaces to contemporary republished books, which are provided in the collection.

Historical experience of Great October

        Historical experience of the Great October Revolution.
Moscow: Nauka, 1986.

Сборник статей посвящен 90-летию крупного российского историка, автора учебников по истории СССР И. И. Минца. Статья А. М. Самсонова, Л. М. Спирина «Академик Исаак Израилевич Минц (творческий путь)», библиография его трудов (сканы 9–40).
