Nicholas II (1868-1918)

Nicholas II (1868-1918)

The journey to the East of his Imperial Highness, heir, tsesarevich and Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich, with details of the villainous assassination attempt on April 29 in Otsu

  Denisyevsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich     The journey to the East of his Imperial Highness, heir, tsesarevich and Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich, with details of the villainous assassination attempt on April 29 in Otsu.
St. Petersburg: type. V. Demakova, 1891.

The day of the wedding of his Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich with her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Alice of Hessen, anointing her with the Imperial Majesty the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna on November 14, 1894

The day of the wedding of his Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich with her Grand Ducal Highness Princess Alice of Hessen, anointing her with the Imperial Majesty the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna on November 14, 1894. St. Petersburg: book. mag. "The People's Use," 1894.
