

Report on the All-Russian Congress of Spiritual Christians (Molokans), held July 22, 1905 in the village of Vorontsov, Tiflis province, Borchalinsky district, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of their independent religious existence in Russia since the publication of the highest order of the blessed memory of the blessed monarch Alexander Pavlovich, from July 22, 1805, 1805-1905 years.

        Report on the All-Russian Congress of Spiritual Christians (Molokans), held July 22, 1905 in the village of Vorontsov, Tiflis province, Borchalinsky district, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of their independent religious existence in Russia since the publication of the highest order of the blessed memory of the blessed monarch Alexander Pavlovich, from July 22, 1805, 1805-1905. .. Erivan: the type. Lips. 1907.
