Official documents

Official documents

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Анисимова А. И., Антонова Д. А., Баранова В. Н., Бурмистрова В. Н. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Икомасова Ю. Д., Надя В. Е., Решетникова В. Г., Бирюка В. В. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Даминова И. И., Мысина Ю. П., Шипагина А. М., Гущина В. К. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Абакумова А. П., Давалова М. Н., Чертищева В. В., Чупракова О. Г. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Валиева Н. А., Майорова Е. А., Баранова В. Е., Коробова В. В. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Балицкого С. А., Вайзера В. И., Сильверстова С. К., Якушкина В. С.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Алексеева Г. А., Витоля С. А., Гайко В. Б., Дудина А. В., Кокорове В. И. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Казарова Г. Д., Клюева Ю. Л., Кокоулина В. Г., Колпащикова Н. Д. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Горячева И. В., Елизарова С. Д., Кузнецова М. Н., Лактионова Е. Л., Олейника М. С. и др.

On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.

О награждении Карлова В. В., Клементьева А. В., Козлова В. М., Макарова С. А. и др.
