Soviet Russia (from 1917 to 1991)
Soviet Russia (from 1917 to 1991)
Administrative divisions of the USSR as of May 15, 1923
Administrative divisions of the USSR according to the data by May 15, 1923. Moscow: Izd. NKVD, 1923.
The administrative-territorial structure of the USSR on July 1, 1925 and July 1, 1926, compared with the pre-war division of Russia.Part 1-2.The composition of the USSR within the borders on July 1, 1925
The administrative-territorial structure of the USSR on July 1, 1925 and July 1, 1926, compared with the pre-war division of Russia.M.: Type.MKH them.F.Ya.Lavrov, 1926.Part 1-2: The composition of the USSR within the borders on July 1, 1925.1926.
Administrative and territorial division of the SSR Union
Administrative and territorial division of the SSR Union.M.: Publishing House of Nar.Commissioner internal.Affairs, 1930.
USSR Administrative-territorial division of the Union republics as of January 1, 1947. Moscow 1947
The USSR administrative-territorial division of the Union republics as of January 1, 1947. Moscow 1947. 1947.
Тюменская ОНБ
THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the Union republics on January 1, 1980
THE USSR. The administrative-territorial division of the Union republics on January 1, 1980. Moscow: Izvestia, 1980.
THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the Union republics
THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the Union republics.
Moscow: Izvestia, 1987.
Moscow: Izvestia, 1987.
Unity movement of the Soviet republics, 1922.
Unity movement of the Soviet republics, 1922 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010.
The adoption of the declaration and the signing of the treaty on the formation of the USSR, 1922.
The adoption of the declaration and the signing of the treaty on the formation of the USSR, 1922 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2010.
Agreement between Russia and Finland on measures to ensure the inviolability of the border
The RSFSR. Contracts. Agreement between Russia and Finland on measures to ensure the inviolability of the border. Petrozavodsk: First Regional Printing House of the CPC, 1922.
THE USSR. Formation of the new union republics in Central Asia, 1924-1925.
THE USSR. Formation of the new Union republics in Central Asia, 1924-1925. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010.
Overview Khmelev A.N.On the history of administrative and territorial division of Russia
RSFSR.Regionalization Commission.Overview Khmelev A.N.On the history of administrative-territorial division of Russia.19--.RSFSR.Administrative-territorial division as of July 1, 1945 with applications from July 1 to December 31
RSFSR.Administrative-territorial division as of July 1, 1945 with applications of changes from July 1 to December 31.Moscow: B. and., 1945];[Leningrad.The Baikal calendar for 1922
The Baikal calendar for 1922 ..
Verkhneudinsk: Association of the Pribaikalsky Cooperative Union, 1921.Composition and territory of the RSFSR compared with pre-war time
Dobronravov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1892-). Composition and territory of the RSFSR compared with pre-war time. Leningrad: publication of the State Institute of Experimental Agronomy, 1926.From the Urals to the Great Ocean
Bursky, Pavel Dmitrievich (1868-?). From the Urals to the Great Ocean.
Moscow: the type. Vseros. co-op. of the publishing union "Knigosoyuz", 1928.From the Urals to the Pacific
Lipovetsky, Grigory Alexandrovich From the Urals to the Pacific Ocean.
Moscow: Soviet Asia, type. "Izvestiya of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee", 1931.From Astrakhan to Murmansk, 1928-1933.
From Astrakhan to Murmansk, 1928-1933 gg. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Them. B.N. Yeltsin, 2010. - Север
Reports at a meeting on the study of the North of Russia, convened by the Russian Academy of Sciences in Petrograd from 16 to 24 May 1920.
Meeting on the study of the North. Reports at a meeting on the study of the North of Russia, convened by the Russian Academy of Sciences in Petrograd from May 16 to May 24, 1920. Petrograd: 10th state. type., 1920.Guide to the North
Guide to the North.
Arkhangelsk: Northern Regional Publishing House, 1936.Northeast region
North-Eastern region. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: The Moscow Worker, 1928.Soviet North
The Soviet North. Hotels Moscow; Committee for Assistance to the Nationalities of the Northern Outskirts under the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, 1929.- Архангельская область
The Far North of European Russia
Zhilinsky, Alexey Alexandrovich (1891-1962). The Far North of European Russia. Petrograd: Ed. col. specialist. tech. and econ. ed. Nar. com. communication paths., 1919.On the Samoyed coast
Zhilinsky, AA On the Samoyed shore. Arkhangelsk: Type. "Severoles", 1923.Arkhangelsk
Popov The city of Arkhangelsk.
Arkhangelsk: Arkhangelsk Society of Local History, 1928. - Карельская АССР
Ivanov, A. A. Karelia. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1928; Leningrad.The Leningrad Region and the Karelian ASSR
Leningrad Region and the Karelian ASSR. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: The Moscow Worker, 1928.From Onego to the White Sea
Polyanovsky, Max Leonidovich (1901-1977). From Onego to the White Sea.
[Moscow]: The Young Guard, 1931.For Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
Bartold, Yevgeny Fedorovich By Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. [Leningrad]: Physical Culture and Tourism, 1935. - Коми АССР
Development of forest lands for agricultural use
Polyntseva, Olga Afanasyevna Development of forest lands for agricultural use.
Syktyvkar: Komi State Publishing House, 1942.A special expedition of the NKVD for the development of oil fields on the river. Ukhta (Chibyuskoe deposit), 1929
A special expedition of the NKVD for the development of oil fields on the river. Uhta (Chibyuskoe deposit), 1929 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Named after BN. Yeltsin ", 2010. - Мурманская область
On Murman
Blinov, Vyacheslav Pavlovich (r. 1882). On the Murman. Petrograd: The 10th state. type., 1918.Three years beyond the Arctic Circle
Fersman, Alexander Evgenievich (1883-1945). Three years beyond the Arctic Circle. Moscow: The Young Guard, 1924; Petrograd.From Onego to the White Sea
Polyanovsky, Max Leonidovich (1901-1977). From Onego to the White Sea.
[Moscow]: The Young Guard, 1931.Guide to the Khibiny Tundra
Guide to the Khibiny tundra. Leningrad: publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1931.Exploration of minerals on the Kola Peninsula, 1932.
Exploration of minerals on the Kola Peninsula, 1932 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin ", 2010.For Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
Bartold, Yevgeny Fedorovich By Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. [Leningrad]: Physical Culture and Tourism, 1935.
- Северо-Запад
- Ленинградская область
Leningrad and the Leningrad Province
Leningrad and the Leningrad province.
Leningrad: Publishing House Gubono, 1925.The Leningrad Region and the Karelian ASSR
Leningrad Region and the Karelian ASSR. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: The Moscow Worker, 1928.Administrative-territorial division of the Leningrad region
Administrative and territorial division of the Leningrad Region. Film [Leningrad]: Lenizdat, 1990.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
- Центр
- Владимирская область
Vladimir Region
Ascension, Vladimir. The Vladimir region. Vladimir: [tipo-litogr. № 1 Vladpolygraphtrust], 1928.Vladimir District of Ivanovo Industrial Region and its districts
Vladimir District of Ivanovo Industrial Region and its districts. Author Vladimir: Publisher. Org. commis. Vladadrouga, 1929.Vladimir region
Vladimir region. Film Vladimir: Vladimir. book. publishing house, 1955.Vladimir and its environs
Gorskaya, Nina Svyatoslavovna Vladimir and his surroundings.
[Vladimir]: The Vladimir Prince. publishing house, 1959.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Москва
The Stalin Empire
The Stalin Empire. - Пензенская область
Wonderful places of the Penza region
Khrabrovitsky, Alexander Veniaminovich (1912-1989). Wonderful places in the Penza region. Penza: publication of the newspaper "Stalin's banner", 1943.
- Юг
- Волгоградская область
Balance of peasant agricultural production of the Stalingrad province for 1925-26
Balance of peasant agricultural production of the Stalingrad province for 1925-26. Stalingrad: The Stalingrad Provincial Planning Commission, 1925.Lower Chir and Kotelnikovo a year after the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)
Lower Chir and Kotelnikovo a year after the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Stalingrad: Partizdat, 1934.Stalingrad
Stalingrad. Stalingrad: Border Publishing, 1936.Stalingrad region for 20 years
Stalingrad region for 20 years. Stalingrad: Regional book publishing, 1938. - Краснодарский край
Kuban-Chernomorsky Krai
Apostolov, Leonid Yakovlevich (1865-1932). The Kuban-Black Sea region. Krasnodar: Scientific and Technical Department VSNKh of the Kuban-Black Sea Regional Research Institute, 1924.City-resort of Sochi during perestroika (1985-1991): socio-economic aspect
The city-resort of Sochi during perestroika (1985-1991): socio-economic aspect. 2016
- Кавказ
- Карачаево-Черкесская АО
Pobedonostsev, A. Cherkesia. Moscow: Sosedzgiz, 1940. - Чечено-Ингушская АССР
- Поволжье
- Куйбышевская область
Samara onion
Potapov, Alexander Mikhailovich. Samara onions. Moscow: State Publishing House, Middle Volga Regional Office, 1931; Samara. - АССР Немцев Поволжья
Author. Soc. Sov. Rep. Germans of the Volga region
Gross, Edgar Yakovlevich (1894-1929). Author. Soc. Sov. Rep. Germans of the Volga region. Pokrovsk: Nemgosizdat, 1926.
- Урал
Urals after regionalization
Ural after regionalization. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Uralsoviet, 1926.A conjuncture survey of the economy of the Urals for 1926-27.
The Urals Regional Planning Commission. A conjuncture survey of the economy of the Urals for 1926-27, Sverdlovsk, 1928.Ural - a new region of the sugar industry
Opatsky, Lev Vasilievich Ural - a new area of the sugar industry.
[Moscow]: OGIZGospolitizdat, 1943.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах- Уральская область
List of settlements of Tobolsk district of the Ural region
List of settlements of the Tobolsk district of the Ural region. Tobolsk: edition of the newspaper "Bulletin of the Regional Council", 1924.List of settlements and administrative division of Tobolsk district, the Ural region
List of settlements and the administrative division of Tobolsk district, the Ural region. Tobol'sk: edition of the Orgodtdel of the Regional Council, 1926.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 1. The Verkamsk District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgotdel of Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 1: Verkamsk district. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. T. 3. Irbit District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgotdel of Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 3: Irbit District. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 4. Ishim District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgotdel of Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 4: Ishim district. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 5. The Komi-Permyak District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: the publication of the Orgotdel of Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 5: Komi-Permyak district. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. T. 6. Kungursky District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgotdel Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 6: Kungursky district. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 7. The Kurgan district
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgodtdel Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 7: Kurgan region. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 9. Sarapulsky District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgotdel of Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
Vol. 9: Sarapulsky district. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. T. 11. Tagilsky District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgodtdel Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 11: Tagilsky District. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 13. The Troitsky District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition of the Orgotdel of Uraloblispolkom, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 13: Troitsky district. 1928.List of localities in the Urals region. [Proceedings of the Ural Regional Statistical Office]. 14. The Tyumen District
List of localities in the Urals region. Sverdlovsk: edition Orgotdela Uraloblispolkoma, Uralstatupravleniya and district executive committees, 1928.
T. 14: Tyumen district. 1928.Demyanka River
Vasilyev, V.V.Reka Demianka. Tobolsk: Committee for Assistance to the Nationalities of the Northern Margins under the Presidium of the Tobol District Executive Council of the Soviets (Committee of the North) and the Territory Study Area at the Museum of the Tobolsk North, 1929. - Челябинская губерния
Report of the cashier of the small loan of the Chelyabinsk Uyezd Zemstvo for 1915
Chelyabinsk County Zemstvo cash office small loan. Report of the cashier of the small loan of the Chelyabinsk Uyezd Zemstvo for 1915. Chelyabinsk: Printing, 1916.Estimates of income and expenditure Chelyabinsk district zemstvo .... ... in 1917.
Chelyabinsk Uyezd Zemstvo Administration. Estimates of incomes and expenditures of the Chelyabinsk district zemstvo ... Chelyabinsk, 1915.
... on 1917, 1917.
- Сибирь
The future of Siberia
The future of Siberia. Novonikolaevsk: Sibkraizdat, 1925.List of provinces, counties and volosts of Siberia according to March 1, 1921
List of provinces, counties and volosts of Siberia according to March 1, 1921. Omsk: State Publishing House, Siberian region. Branch, 1921.- Бурят-Монгольская АССР
Buryatia in geographic and economic terms
Kozmin, Nikolai Nikolayevich (ethnographer, 1872-1938). Buryatia in geographical and economic terms. Verkhneudinsk: [b. and.], 1924.Essays on cattle breeding in Burrespublik. Issue. 1. Economy in the Kizhinginsk district in 1922.
Kozmin, Nikolai Nikolayevich (ethnographer, 1872-1938). Essays on cattle breeding in Burrespublik. Facilities in the Kizhinginsky district in 1922 .. Verkhneudinsk: Type. Burnarcomprompromtorg, 1924. 1924.Fundamentals of capital construction in Buryatia
Kozmin, Nikolai Nikolayevich (ethnographer, 1872-1938). Fundamentals of capital construction in Buryatia. Verkhneudinsk: [b. and.], 1926.Buryat-Mongolian ASSR
Kozmin, Nikolai Nikolayevich (ethnographer, 1872-1938). Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. Irkutsk: Buryat-Mongolian State Publishing House, 1928; Verkhneudinsk.Essay on Fisheries in Bur.-Mong. AS SS of the Republic
Sollertinsky, Evgeny Sergeevich. Essay on Fisheries in Bur.-Mong. AS of the Republic. Verkhneudinsk: type. BGI, 1929.15 years of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR
15 years of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. Ulan-Ude: Buryat-Mongolian state publishing house, 1938.Toponymy of Buryatia
Melkheev, Matvey Nikolaevich. Toponymy of Buryatia. Ulan-Ude: Buryat Publishing House, 1969. - Иркутская область
Directory of Irkutsk province
Handbook of Irkutsk province.
[Irkutsk]: The Irkutsk gubernia executive committee, 1925.Directory of Irkutsk and Irkutsk region
Directory of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk: Surroundings. children. commiss., 1930. - Красноярский край
Taimyr expedition
The Taimyr expedition. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010. - Новосибирская область
Anniversary of the city of N.-Nikolaevsk
Anniversary of the city of N.-Nikolaevsk.
[B. m .: b. and., 1906].Ordinary story
Ordinary story.
St. Petersburg: Typography of Altshuler, 1910.History of Novo-Nikolayevskaya Gubernia.
The history of the cities of the Novo-Nikolaevskaya Guba ..
N.-Nikolaevsk, 1924.All of Novonikolayevsk
All of Novonikolayevsk.
Novonikolaevsk: Siberian Branch of the Russian Telegraph Agency, 1925.All of Novosibirsk
The whole of Novosibirsk.
Novosibirsk: publication of the West Siberian Regional Committee for the Promotion of the Construction of the Palace of Culture and Science, 1931.Novosibirsk region
Novosibirsk region.
Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Regional Publishing House, 1939. - Омская область
Scheme of natural history formations of the western half of Omsk Province.
Spiridonov, Maxim Dmitrievich (1878-1939). Scheme of natural-historical formations of the western half of the Omsk Gubernia [Omsk]: Typo-lithography T-va "Rabochii Put '", 1923. - Тюменская область
Revived people
The revived people. Omsk: Omsk Regional Publishing House, 1941.Mounds and sites of the Tobolsk region and their study
Society for the Study of the Tobolsk Region (Tobolsk). Mounds and ancient settlements of Tobolsk district and their study. Tobolsk, 1929.Accounting and description of the heroic places of the natives Tob. north
Novitsky, Vasily Mikhailovich (1890-). Accounting and description of the heroic places of the natives Tob. north. [Tobolsk]: Gostep., [1928].Tyumen truth. 1967, No. 141 (6386) (17 June). [Joint issue]
Tyumen truth. Tyumen, 1944-.
1967, No. 141 (6386) (June 17): [Joint issue]. 1967.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахTyumen truth. 1967, No. 153 (6398) (July 1). [Joint issue]
Tyumen truth. Tyumen, 1944-.
1967, No. 153 (6398) (July 1): [Joint issue]. 1967.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Якутская АССР
In the unknown mountains of Yakutia
Obruchev, Sergei Vladimirovich (1891-1965). In the unknown mountains of Yakutia. Moscow: State Publishing House, Printing House Printed courtyard in Leningrad, 1928; Leningrad.
- Дальний Восток
Tolmachev I. "Coal economy of the Pacific Ocean and the role of the Russian Far East in it"
Ryabikov Pavel Fedorovich, general, professor of the General Staff Academy.
Tolmachev I. "Coal economy of the Pacific Ocean and the role of the Russian Far East in it".Essays on the economic life of the Far East
Derber, Pyotr Yakovlevich. Essays on the economic life of the Far East. Moscow: Gos. publishing house, 1927; Leningrad.Far East Region
Gluzdovsky, Vasily Efimovich (1877-1934). The Far-Eastern Region.
Vladivostok: The book. Business, 1925.Far East Region
Gluzdovsky, Vasily Efimovich (1877-). The Far East Region.
Khabarovsk; Vladivostok: Typo-lithography of the Joint Stock Company "Book Business", 1927.The Far East in figures
The Far East in figures. Khabarovsk: Book business, type. "Book business", [1929].Far East Region
Arkhipov The Far East region. Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1929.Proceedings of the Far Eastern State University. No. 2. A New Way to the Great Ocean
Far Eastern State University (Vladivostok). Proceedings of the Far Eastern State University. A New Way to the Great Ocean.
Vladivostok, 1928-1930 .: Printing House of the Far Eastern State University, 1930.Districts of the Far East Region
Districts of the Far Eastern Territory.
Khabarovsk: The Book Business, 1931.Two years in the tundra
Vasiliev, VG Two years in the tundra. Leningrad: Izd-vo Glavsevmorputi, 1935.The Soviet Islands of the Pacific
Sergeev, Mikhail Alekseevich (1888-1965). The Soviet islands of the Pacific.
[Leningrad]: State Social and Economic Publishing House, Leningrad Branch, 1938.Bibliography of the Far Eastern Territory. T. 1. Physical Geography
Bibliography of the Far Eastern Territory. Physiography.
Moscow: Publishing house Vses. Ass. s.-. bibliographies; Leningrad: 1 type. the publishing house of the Leningrad Oblast Executive Committee and the Leningrad City Council, 1935. 1935.The creation of the defense-economic potential in the Far East of the USSR (late 1920-1941).
Kireev, Sergey Viktorovich. Creation of defense and economic potential in the Far East of the USSR (late 1920 - 1941). Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 2006.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах- Амурская область
Panorama of the city of Blagoveshchensk in the Amur Region
Tolstenko, Vitaly Pavlovich (1927-). Panorama of the city of Blagoveshchensk in the Amur Region. Blagoveshchensk, 1968. - Еврейская АО
Brook, Boris Lvovich (1885-). Birobidzhan. Moscow: edition of the central government of OZET, 1928.What is Biro-Bijan
Merezhin, Abram Naumovich. What is Biro-Bijan. Moscow: edition of the CP OZET, 1929.Birobidzhan: from an abandoned semi-station to the center of the Jewish Autonomous Region, 1937.
Birobidzhan: from an abandoned semi-station to the center of the Jewish Autonomous Region, 1937 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. B.N. Yeltsin, 2010. - Камчатская область
Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929
Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010.Trip of the Governmental Commission to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929.
Trip of the Governmental Commission to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010.Soviet Kamchatka
Sergeev, Mikhail Alekseevich (1888-1965). Soviet Kamchatka. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: Sosedzgiz, 1932.In Kamchatka
In Kamchatka. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, printing house "The Way of October" in Moscow, 1936.Kamchatka Oblast
Solovyov, A.N., The Kamchatka Region. Khabarovsk: Far Eastern State Publishing House, 1940.Kamchatka: immigrants from the mainland and local residents
Kamchatka: immigrants from the mainland and local residents. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010. - Магаданская область
In Chukotka
Polikashin, Alexey Ilyich. In Chukotka. Leningrad: Izd-vo Glavsevmorputi, 1940; Moscow. - Приморский край
Primorye. [Vladivostok]: The Far East. Goskniga, 1923. - Сахалинская область
Hellenic, B.Sakhalin. Moscow: Gos. publishing house, 1928; Leningrad.Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929
Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010.Trip of the Governmental Commission to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929.
Trip of the Governmental Commission to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010. - Хабаровский край
Nizhne-Amur Region
Kryuchkov, Eugene Vlasyevich (1907-). The Lower Amur Region. Khabarovsk: Dalgiz, 1940.
- Горно-Алтайская ССР
Altai as a region of educational excursions
Vereshchagin, Victor Ivanovich (1871-1956). Altai as a region of educational excursions. Novonikolaevsk: Sibkraizdat, 1925.Sketches of Altai
Vereshchagin, Victor Ivanovich (1871-1956). Essays on Altai. Novosibirsk: Sibkraizdat, 1927.Materials for studying the natural productive forces of the USSR, published by the Commission at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. № 76. White coal of Altai
Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces of the USSR. Materials for studying the natural productive forces of the USSR, published by the Commission at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1915-1930.
Bloomberg, Olga Konstantinovna. № 76: White coal of Altai. 1930. - Грузинская ССР
Mine-expedition "Mezhrabprom-Rus" to Upper Svaneti, 1925
Mine-expedition "Mezhrabprom-Rus" to Upper Svaneti, 1925 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010.Tea plantations in Georgia, 1933.
Tea plantations in Georgia, 1933 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010. - Казахская ССР
Expedition to the Hungry Steppe (Kazakhstan), 1938.
Expedition to the Hungry Steppe (Kazakhstan), 1938. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. B.N. Yeltsin, 2010. - Таджикская ССР
Expedition to the Pamir, 1928.
Expedition to the Pamirs, 1928 St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2010. - Туркменская ССР
Kara-Kum pastures and their use
Nechaev, Nina Trofimovna (1909-). Pastures Kara-Kumov and their use.
Ashkhabad: Publishing house of TurkmanFan, 1943.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахGeological exploration of the construction site of the Main Turkmen Canal, 1951.
Geological exploration of the construction site of the Main Turkmen Canal, 1951 St. Petersburg: Presidential b. B.N. Yeltsin, 2010. - Узбекская ССР
Industry of Uzbekistan
Industry of Uzbekistan.
Tashkent: UzFAN Publishing House, 1941. - Украинская ССР
Sevastopol, 1979
Sevastopol, 1979. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Them. B.N. Yeltsin, 2010.