The Romanovs in literature and art
The Romanovs in literature and art
Alexander I Blessed in the temple of immortality, or the triumph of virtues that perpetuated the name of the monarch adored by all
Alexander I Blessed in the temple of immortality, or the triumph of virtues, perpetuated the name of the monarch adored by all. Moscow: in the printing house N. Stepanov, at the Imperial Theater, 1827.
The cheerful voice of thanksgiving of the Moscow Muses to the All-sovereign monarch of the Rossi Alexander the First, solemnly pronounced in April of the 14th day, for the mercy shown by His Imperial Majesty in the highest summons to the heads of the Moscow University of April 4, 1801
The cheerful voice of thanksgiving of the Moscow Muses to the All-sovereign monarch of the Rosses Alexander the First, solemnly pronounced in April of the 14th day, for the favor shown by His Imperial Majesty, the most gracious favor to them in the highest rescript to the leaders of the University of Moscow from April 4, Moscow: University Press, 1801.
Peter the Great
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1711-1765). Peter the Great. [St. Petersburg: printing house of the Academy of Sciences, 1761].
Владимрская ОУНБ
300th Anniversary of the House of Romanovs
Lyubich-Koshurov, Joasaph Arianovich (1872-1934 or 1937).
300 years of the Romanov dynasty.
Moscow: NA Khoroshkevich, 1911.
Moscow: NA Khoroshkevich, 1911.
The exploits of Emperor Peter the Great
Feats of Emperor Peter the Great.
St. Petersburg: V.G. Shataev, 1872.
St. Petersburg: V.G. Shataev, 1872.
To the royal jubilee
Ponomarev, Stepan Ivanovich (1828-1913). To the royal jubilee. St. Petersburg: edition of the bookstore "New time", 1880.
To the monument of the crowned friend of the people, Emperor Alexander II
Agafangel (hegumen).
To the monument of the crowned friend of the people, the Emperor Alexander II.
St. Petersburg: Typo-lit. V. V. Komarova, 1898.
St. Petersburg: Typo-lit. V. V. Komarova, 1898.
Poems of the memory of Emperor Alexander III
Sokolov, Pavel Zakharovich
Poems of the memory of Emperor Alexander III.
Samara: the type. A.I. Good, 1896.
Samara: the type. A.I. Good, 1896.
Medals on the deeds of the Emperor Peter the Great in remembrance of the bicentenary of the birth of the converter of Russia, published by Julius Iversen
Medals on the deeds of the Emperor Peter the Great in remembrance of the bicentenary of the birth of the converter of Russia, published by Julius Iversen.
St. Petersburg: Type. V. V. Pratz, 1872.
St. Petersburg: Type. V. V. Pratz, 1872.