Official sources

Official sources

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Archives of Prince AI Chernyshev. T. 121. Papers of AI Chernyshev for the reign of Emperor Alexander I

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916, 2000-.
T. 121: Papers by AI Chernyshev for the reign of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: V.Kirschbaum's Printing House, 1906.

Highest ordinances for 1812

      Russia. The Emperor (1801-1825, Alexander I). Highest ordinances for 1812. [Part I].
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив

Highest ordinances for 1812

Russia. The Emperor (1801-1825, Alexander I). Highest ordinances for 1812, 1812.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив