Yearbook of the Tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd / Leningrad, 1917-1939.
Yearbook of the Tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd / Leningrad, 1917-1939.
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. ... in 1933
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd: Main Hydrographic Administration, 1917-1939.
... for 1933. Leningrad: Publishing of the Hydrographic Administration, 1932.
... for 1933. Leningrad: Publishing of the Hydrographic Administration, 1932.
Архангельская ОНБ
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. ... in 1934
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd: Main Hydrographic Administration, 1917-1939.
... for 1934. Leningrad: Edition of the Hydrographic Administration, 1933.
... for 1934. Leningrad: Edition of the Hydrographic Administration, 1933.
Архангельская ОНБ
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. ... in 1935
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd: Main Hydrographic Administration, 1917-1939.
... on 1935. Leningrad: Publishing of the Hydrographic Department of the UVMS of the Red Army, 1934.
... on 1935. Leningrad: Publishing of the Hydrographic Department of the UVMS of the Red Army, 1934.
Архангельская ОНБ
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. ... in 1936.
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd: Main Hydrographic Administration, 1917-1939.
... for 1936. Leningrad: Publishing of the Hydrographic Department of the UMK RKKA, 1935.
... for 1936. Leningrad: Publishing of the Hydrographic Department of the UMK RKKA, 1935.
Архангельская ОНБ
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. ... in 1937
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd: Main Hydrographic Administration, 1917-1939.
... for 1937. Leningrad: Publication of the Hydrographic Department of the UMK RKKA, 1936.
... for 1937. Leningrad: Publication of the Hydrographic Department of the UMK RKKA, 1936.
Архангельская ОНБ
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. ... for 1938
Yearbook of tides of the Arctic Ocean and the White Sea. Petrograd: Main Hydrographic Administration, 1917-1939.
... for 1938. Leningrad: Publication of the Hydrographic Department of the UMK RKKA, 1937.
... for 1938. Leningrad: Publication of the Hydrographic Department of the UMK RKKA, 1937.
Архангельская ОНБ