Shamilsky District

Shamilsky District

Defensive tower No. 1. XVI-XVII centuries. The object of the complex monument "Three Towers, XVI - XVIII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Goor

Defensive tower No. 1. XVI-XVII centuries. The object of the complex monument "Three Towers, XVI - XVIII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Goor. [village of Goor, Republic of Dagestan], 1970s, 2008-2015.
ГБУ Республики Дагестан "Респ. центр охраны памятников истории, культуры и архитектуры"

Defensive tower No. 2. XVI-XVIII centuries. The object of the complex monument "Three Towers, XVI - XVIII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Goor

Defensive tower No. 2. XVI-XVIII centuries. The object of the complex monument "Three Towers, XVI - XVIII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Goor. [village of Goor, Republic of Dagestan], 1970s, 2008-2015.
ГБУ Республики Дагестан "Респ. центр охраны памятников истории, культуры и архитектуры"

Defensive tower No. 3. XV-XVI centuries. The object of the complex monument "Three Towers, XVI - XVIII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Goor

Defensive tower No. 3. XV-XVI centuries. The object of the complex monument "Three Towers, XVI - XVIII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Goor. [village of Goor, Republic of Dagestan], 1970s, 2008-2015.
ГБУ Республики Дагестан "Респ. центр охраны памятников истории, культуры и архитектуры"

Mosque. The object of the complex monument "Mosque and Tower (Bagrab-Rosotl), XVI - XVII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Old Cahib

Mosque. The object of the complex monument "Mosque and Tower (Bagrab-Rosotl), XVI - XVII centuries." Republic of Dagestan, Shamil region, with. Old Cahib. [Old Cahib village, Republic of Dagestan], 1970s, 2008-2015.
ГБУ Республики Дагестан "Респ. центр охраны памятников истории, культуры и архитектуры"
